
Slack Reserved Names

I work with Slack groups a lot. So much that I’ve build a product to help automate Slack group management for my company and teams. However, it turns out that there is a hidden list of words that can’t be used as Slack user group names. I’ve obtained that list and would like to publish it in case it helps other people building Slack apps in the future. This list is valid as of October 15th, 2024.

Words that can’t be used as Slack group names:

  • admins
  • archive
  • archives
  • archived
  • all
  • channel
  • channels
  • create
  • delete
  • deleted-channel
  • edit
  • everyone
  • general
  • group
  • groups
  • here
  • me
  • ms
  • owners
  • slack
  • slackbot
  • today
  • you
  • ja

With a small caveat, that if you delete or rename the default #general channel in Slack, it can then be used as a usergroup name.

Hope this helps!